On arms race in the region
Nobody must expect India to be sandwiched between Pakistan and China and do tapasya. For 3000 years we have been invaded because we had no resistance to offer to the invaders. Why should we repeat the same mistake again? If our neighbours have nuclear weapons, we must have them too. We have not created these bombs for decoration!
On India as a global major power
We can achieve this goal if we have concerted action in the five critical areas of agriculture, power, education & healthcare, information technology and strategic sectors like nuclear and space. For its success, government needs to build partnerships with industry and research and development organizations.
On Children
I have shared my imagination and dreams with them and realize that they are able to grasp it better than adults. We have to ignite a love for science in these young minds besides setting a goal for them in national growth.
On the lack of systems
Everything will be in place once the people in power realize that the vision is always higher than the individual.
On his vision
I have three visions. One is that we should respect and guard our freedom, because nobody respects those in bondage. The second vision is development. Though we are right amongst the top in terms of economic indicators, we lack the self-confidence to see ourselves as a developed country. And the third vision is that India must stand up to the world. Only strength respects strength. There is no place for fear in this world.
On the most unforgettable moment
When we designed light metallic calipers using carbon-carbon (also used in Agni) for the physically handicapped. The expression on the faces of little boys and girls who could throw away the heavy 3-kg calipers for the 300 gm lightweight ones was indeed a sight to behold. It was absolute bliss. Just proves that space science can be used to make life better for all.
On India's neighbours
India must learn from China and Pakistan as to how it can use economics to dominate global politics. Despite a host of problems that the west has with China, it has managed to hold its own with all the top powers. Despite the fact that we are a developed nation compared with our neighbours, we fare poorly due to lack of marketing ourselves. We must market ourselves aggressively with our neighbours in their markets while giving them equal status in ours.